Columbia University extends negotiations with student protesters

Time:2024-06-03 18:30:35Source:Planet Profile news portal
NEW YORK, April 24 (Xinhua) -- Columbia University, amidst an eighth day of tense demonstrations, said on Wednesday that it has extended negotiations with student activists regarding the dismantling of a pro-Palestinian encampment. A spokesperson for Columbia University said the talks will now continue for another 48 hours following "important progress" made during discussions. The statement comes shortly after the university's president Minouche Shafik said on Tuesday that protesters had until midnight to reach an agreement, or the university would explore "alternative options" to clear the encampment. Students occupying Columbia's West Lawn said they are planning to remain until the university meets their demands for divestment from anything related to Israel. Classes at Columbia's main campus continue to be a mix of virtual and in-person formats, following the arrest of over 100 students last week. Pro-Palestinian demonstrations are spreading on campuses across the United States. According to local reports, more than 130 people were arrested on Monday night at a pro-Palestinian protest at New York University. At Yale University, at least 45 individuals were arrested and charged with trespassing on Monday after refusing to disperse from an on-campus protest.  

(Editor:Wang Su)

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